Four Roses Single Barrel

Samples are sold in 2oz bottles (~59ml) and FoxWhiskey has a total of 10 ounces in stock!
$2.25/oz  Add to Cart »


Brand Four Roses
Country United States
State/Region Kentucky
Type Kentucky Bourbon
Alcohol 50.00% (100 proof)
Natural Color Yes
Storage Map Show locations

Reviews & Ratings:

C10 C20 C30 C40 C50 C60 C70 C80 C90 C100
C11 C21 C31 C41 C51 C61 C71 C81 C91 C101
C12 C22 C32 C42 C52 C62 C72 C82 C92 C102
C13 C23 C33 C43 C53 C63 C73 C83 C93 C103
C14 C24 C34 C44 C54 C64 C74 C84 C94 C104
C15 C25 C35 C45 C55 C65 C75 C85 C95 C105
C16 C26 C36 C46 C56 C66 C76 C86 C96 C106
C17 C27 C37 C47 C57 C67 C77 C87 C97 C107
C18 C28 C38 C48 C58 C68 C78 C88 C98 C108
C19 C29 C39 C49 C59 C69 C79 C89 C99 C109

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